I'm new to the forum.

I have the JS Jobs Pro version and have installed the file "jsjobs_german_de-DE".
However, do not see any changes in the backend and frontend. Everything is still in English.
The files "de-DE.com_jsjobs.ini" and "de-DE.com_jsjobs.sys.ini" in admin / long-folders exist.
Do I have to translate all the words themselves? It also seems that the translatable terms was written directly in the source code of files
(z. B. administrator / components / com_jsjobs / views / configuration / tmpl / themes.php). That makes it not easy.
Or have I missed something during the installation? For a helpful content I would be very happy.
Thanks in advance.
Fred O.
PS. My texts here in the forum translated Google for me because my English is very poor. Sorry.