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New job won\'t pop up in frontend

15 years 2 weeks ago #979 by Stefan Frerichs
Hi everyone!

I\'ve got a problem:
If I add a new job in the administration area, it won\'t pop up in the frontend. The frontend dóés show the category, but if I click on this category, it says there aren\'t any jobs in this category. If I go, in the administration area, to Jobs, the job wíll be shown there.

Can somebody help me?
Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
15 years 2 weeks ago #983 by Ahmad
Start publishing date and stop publishing date are required.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
14 years 6 months ago #1323 by Rx Ricardo
I've install all JS without any problem. I've made every costumizations without problems.

Now, i create two temporary users (one is jobseeker and another is Employer).

every things works fine excepts the publications off job-offers on front-end.

i've already create 6 job offers with my test-employer. i can see, edit, deleted, every thing.

but when i'm logged with the jobseeker-test-user, at "Jobs by Category" is has no jobs was published. every category is with 0 offers. No offers appears in search results. nothing appends.

i already see this post solutions and is not my problem, because all job offers begins at 20/06/2010 and end one year after. i've create one job offer that begins 2007 and ends at 2015 and isn't appears-

i've create two users for anyone see what is happening

user: teste-employer - pass: teste-employer
user: teste-worker - pass: teste-worker

please, help me. thanks
14 years 6 months ago #1324 by Rx Ricardo
14 years 6 months ago - 14 years 6 months ago #1325 by Rx Ricardo
some help please?

is anybody out there???
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