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Jobs listing by state/county/city

14 years 8 months ago - 14 years 8 months ago #1264 by Dragut Aurel
Is there any chance for you to add a module or component section that will display jobs by state/county/city?

And another little idea about listing resumes by state/county/city or by job categories in which the job seekers have worked.
14 years 8 months ago #1266 by Ahmad
Job seeker can filter jobs by country, state, county & city in job categories, job lists & search jobs.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
14 years 8 months ago #1267 by Dragut Aurel
Yeah i know but i was talking about something like a list of cities/counties with their number of jobs next to them just like the way the jobs are displayed by category.
14 years 8 months ago #1285 by Tartuffe

I\'m interested too. I tried to develop it but don\'t finish.

I did this :

So i\'m trying to develop a module which list jobs by state names \"Par région\" in french.

I create new pages as for jobcat :
- components/com_js_jobs/views/jobseeker/jobstate.php
- components/com_js_jobs/views/jobseeker/jobstate.xml
- components/com_js_jobs/views/jobseeker/list_states.php

I modify
- components/com_js_jobs/models/jsjobs.php and add a function for list by state
- components/com_js_jobs/views/jobseeker/view.html and add a \"elseif for list by state

And i create a module with 2 files :
- mod_randomregions.php
- mod_randomregions.xml

I suppose I forgot something because it doesn\'t work.
If you are interested by my work, I could send you my files.

Best regards.
14 years 8 months ago #1286 by Dragut Aurel
Why not? Maybe i can find what is wrong and repair.
14 years 8 months ago #1287 by Tartuffe
Ok, where can I send you my files ?
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