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Error message on registration

8 years 5 months ago #4575 by Ahmad Moussa
Kindly need your help to fix the issue below:

Please be noted that every time I try to register on the website a message comes :


Knowing that I have tried all Google Recaptcha versions 1.0 and 2.0 ,..also JS Recaptcha...but I got the same result. Also note that I have disabled K2 Users Plugin as someone informed me earlier but also no result.

Website: careers.tis.edu.sa

Kindly for your help.

Ahmad Moussa
8 years 4 months ago #4595 by Bert
Replied by Bert on topic Error message on registration
I have the same

Did try a lot, joomla 3.5.1, last version Pro JS Jobs
Registation page gives now recaptcha, but
If i try the version of JS Jobs than this line

The words you typed did not match the ones displayed. Please try again.

I think it still wants the check with JSjob captcha, you just do not see it.
suricorps.dns-systems.net/nl/inloggen?view=registration here you see a js jobs registration page where not google anti spam is but nothing, just the line that there should be 2 words. Also not working. :sick:

I posted a ticket also
8 years 4 months ago #4596 by Ahmad Moussa
Dear Bert.
Hope you are fine.

Please be noted that JS Jobs Support has sent me the solution. InshaaALLAH it will work with you.

Go to System>Global Configuration>Users "On the left bar" > User Options> then set Captcha to" Non Selected".

Good Luck :)
Ahmad Moussa
The following user(s) said Thank You: Bert
8 years 4 months ago #4599 by Bert
Replied by Bert on topic Error message on registration
I indeed found that after 8 hours... :)
It is working now with a plugin for redirect (withpout , if spam bots go to registration than no anti spam, with redirect they go to page of jsjobs)

Now I just have one thing left, after populate all city's, all smaller vilages in the Netherlands are not selecteble :whistle: :pinch:
To put al this smaller villages inside that will take long long time

Have you run in to this?
Ps... System - Core Login Redirect dit it for me to redirect to the good registration, you can not go to joomla reg anymore
8 years 4 months ago #4604 by Ahmad Moussa
Hi Bert,
Hope you are fine.

Please be noted that your can not add all cities as it will take too much time to do that...I do believe there is one setting in JS Configuration that will let users to add cities when they type their information. I do recommend you to contact JS Support for that.

Regarding the JS Jobs Registration Form, its better to keep it neither using the Joomla Registration Complex form. In case you need to show it, add a main menu then select the Joomla Registration Form...It will also work.

Good Luck.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Bert
8 years 4 months ago #4611 by Bert
Replied by Bert on topic Error message on registration
ok, great, that option is a good solution for add city by user
For registration I will try to see wat you ment
It is already working perfect now, just with that redirect plugin to js job registration
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