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Add function to saveResume

14 years 1 month ago - 14 years 1 month ago #1273 by Tartuffe
Replied by Tartuffe on topic Add function to saveResume
Hi !
I\'m damned, it doesn\'t work on line !!!
I have a sql error with my first query :
$db =&$this->getDBO();
		$uid = &JRequest::getString(\'uid\',\'none\');
		$resumequery = \"SELECT * FROM \".$db->nameQuote(\'#__js_job_resume\').\" WHERE uid = \".$uid.\"\";
		$db->setQuery( $resumequery );
		$minicv = $db->loadObject() or die(\'Erreur SQL minicv <br>\'.mysql_error());
I really don\'t understand !!!!!!
Thanks for your help
14 years 1 month ago - 14 years 1 month ago #1274 by Tartuffe
Replied by Tartuffe on topic Add function to saveResume
Is that because my php config on server is OFF for define_syslog_variables?
Could you really help me quickly, productive site should be on line as soon as possible.

Best regards

PS : It happens where I add the first resume.
What Should I add to
function canAddNewResume($uid) at line 372 ?
14 years 1 month ago - 14 years 1 month ago #1281 by Tartuffe
Replied by Tartuffe on topic Add function to saveResume
Hi Admin,
I\'m already try to find a solution and i have a question :
Is that in function storeNewinJSJobs() I should add code ?
I have no problem to add resume if jobseeker already had a resume, but if it\'s a first resume\'s creation, I can\'t do it.

PLEASE I really need your help !!

Best regards
14 years 1 month ago - 14 years 1 month ago #1288 by Tartuffe
Replied by Tartuffe on topic Add function to saveResume
Ok, I found problem.
I just move my code in /models/jsjobs.php in function storeResume() here:

After :
if (!$row->store())
			return false;
Before :
$returnvalue = $this->uploadResume($row->id);
		$returnvalue = $this->uploadPhoto($row->id);

Ok you can close this post !
14 years 2 weeks ago #1347 by Tartuffe
Replied by Tartuffe on topic Add function to saveResume
Hi, I have a nex problem !
When a user update his resume it duplicate it in my new table jos_js_jos_minicv.
So I tried this code, always in function storeResume(), but it doesn't work.
//verification si le cv existe deja dans la table jos_js_job_minicv
$resultat_minicv = "SELECT * FROM #__js_job_minicv WHERE id_candidat='$id_candidat' ";
$resultat_minicv = "SELECT COUNT(fabrik_internal_id) FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_minicv')." WHERE id_candidat = ".$id_candidat;
$total_minicv = $db->loadResult();
	echo $total_minicv;
si cv vide insertion des informations
	if ($total_minicv > 0){
//mise a jour de la ligne dans la table jos_js_job_minicv
//suppression du CV
$supprimer_minicv = "DELETE FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_minicv')." WHERE id_candidat=$id_candidat AND profil_candidat=$profil_candidat ";
//insertion des donnees dans la table jos_js_job_minicv
Could you help me please ?
Best regards
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