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What functions are accessible?

12 years 1 month ago #2612 by Jennifer C

Which functions are accessible with androids?

I see on your website that you list the job seeker and the employer can perform 'basic functions'.
Does this include all navigation, searches and file uploads?

Thank you
12 years 1 month ago #2621 by Super User

Employer can add new job in android application.
Job seeker can view top, gold and latest jobs and also apply to them with existing resume.

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
12 years 1 week ago #2692 by Jennifer C
Thank you!
11 years 10 months ago #2765 by chris
I have downloaded the .apk file. Since I am new to mobile app development, How would I deploy this android app?

11 years 10 months ago #2766 by Super User

Simply copy on Andriod phone, Press on apk file, setup will open.
If it give you an error. Tick this setting.
Settings > Security and lock screen > Unknown source

Best regards,

Ahmad Bilal
11 years 10 months ago #2774 by chris
I am trying to build both an iPhone and an Android versions of an app that includes the job seeker and employer search functions. Is there anyway to make the search forms responsive?
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