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Force to choose seeker package to go on??

13 years 11 months ago #1693 by etchi
Force to choose seeker package to go on !

I'm having the same problems with the component.
I don't want to ask jobseekers to buy a package just to look at jobs.
How Can I bypass this completely and go straight to the add- resume form ?

13 years 10 months ago #1747 by Daniel
I'm having the same problems , (Can not add new job. You have exceeded your job posting limit. ) i set the free package as default please how can fix tthis ??

Thanks in advanced.
13 years 10 months ago #1752 by Ahmad
Please set auto assign package for new user
Admin > Configurations > Packages > Default Package

Or user buy/get package.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
13 years 9 months ago #1759 by Daniel
I did that but if in "Site Settings" i set "Allow User Register as Employer " to "No" when i manually assign a user as an employer is not automatically assigned the default package !

How can fix this ?
Thanks in advanced.
13 years 9 months ago #1768 by Ahmad

If you change role of user manually (at admin), system can't assign him any package. Package assign only for front-end.

Please write your valuable review JS Jobs and JS Support Ticket at JED.
13 years 9 months ago #1775 by Daniel
So, how can i manually assign the package to the Employer directly in my phpmyadmin ?, I think the query would be something like that :
INSERT INTO `jos_js_job_employerpaymenthistory` ...........

Thanks in advanced.
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